An Interview With Alicia a la Mode

Hello my loves,

I know its been a while but I promise I’m back with a metaphorical bang. As may of my long term readers will know each month I try and share a blogger I love, and this month is no exception. Today I have the pleasure of sharing an interview with the ultimate gal pal. Armed with positivity, motivational quotes and absolutely epic blog posts it’s no surprise that this little babe, has been sought after for more than a few exciting opportunities. Whether you’re looking for skincare reviews or a piece to kick start your day, Alicia is the blogger for you.

📸 owned by Alicia.

Alicia A La Mode was a way for Alicia to channel her thoughts and creativity. Each blog post Alicia creates is unbelievably empowering with quotes from inspiring men and women such as Beth Sandland and the legendary Ram Dass.

From humble Piczo beggings to a whole new realm of creativity, Alicia A La Mode, is the one place you can go and trust every word- or maybe, even find a new favourite motivational quote or two.

So, without further ado, let me introduce you to the wonderful Alicia.

Hi Alicia, thank you for taking part!

I can’t tell you how excited I am to have you here!

So my first question has to be what made you take the plunge and start blogging ?

Thank you for having me! So, What made me take the plunge? well, I don’t know if you remember Piczo websites? I had one in secondary school and that’s basically where I learnt all my html stuff haha! I would upload so many pictures of my friends and writing about our memories and I just loved it, I grew out of that by 15 and then in my early twenties I stumbled across beauty blogs and thought omg I would love to do this, I tried for a while, then gave up (its harder than it looks!) And then I met my boyfriend and he was so supportive and bought me a camera and told me I should give it a go and I’ve never looked back since! (thanks babe haha)

For me, personally, you and your content has change over the past year. Your content has become so much stronger and you’ve seemed to become so much more confident within your social media, is this something you’ve been trying to work on ? Or have do you think you’ve just come into your own with experience ?

Awww that is actually really sweet for you to notice. I feel like I’ve learnt a lot about myself and I’ve found my strengths in the past year or so and my confidence has just grown with the experience, it definitely helps when I get messages or engagement in response to something I’ve spoken about, it helps to know I’m on the right track and I’m making a small difference to other people.

You’ve recently spoken openly about suffering with eczema and the effect it had on your confidence. Was this something you were nervous about writing? Or something you felt like you needed to say?

I am actually really nervous about writing such personal post that I was currently dealing with but after writing about my health anxiety and smear test experience I had such amazing feedback from that I just kept thinking back to that feeling and use that as motivation. I really do get a buzz from helping other people out and I have always been quite a confident person, ever since I was a child I haven’t ever cared about other peoples opinions (about myself) but I felt like for the first time I was feeling that self conscious feeling due to my skin flaring up so I was looking for blog posts that had an eczema related post so I would feel better and less isolated but I only found a couple so I thought right I need to just talk about it myself, see if anybody else is suffering and maybe I can help someone in my situation.

Just one of the things I admire about you so much is your passion for blogging, each post just seems so individual to you. Every post you write seems to be so truthful, is this something you thinks important?

Yes 100%! I’ve been the same ever since I was young I think it’s so so important to be honest about everything . It doesn’t matter if it’s in real life or on my blog I would never recommend a product or speak about anything if I didn’t fully believe in it and I think it takes a lot of honesty to build trust in either a friend or a reader so I wouldn’t ever jeopardise that. I always write blog posts as if I’m talking to a friend so I hope my readers find it easy to relate.

📸 owned by Alicia

Throughout, all your blogs you use inspirational quotes from many influential women. Is encouraging women some thing you want to continue throughout your blog (because you do it bloody amazingly)?

Thank you so much! I do love encouraging women I think it’s important to teach young women about it too. I’m the friend everybody goes to for advice too, I’ve been told so many times that I should be a life coach haha! I just love helping people and giving them that extra bit of encouragement because it really does stick with you.

Speaking of admiration, Is there anyone you admire? And if so why does that person stand out to you?

My late nan, she was such huge inspiration to me and she was actually the one who told me I should be a writer one day haha! She was such a strong woman and so so caring but she wouldn’t ever let anybody take advantage of her, she knew her worth and that’s what I admired so much about her. I am a lot like her and everything I believe in is due to what she taught me.

In fact, your writing style as a whole is so incredibly positive, do you find it comes naturally or does writing make you feel more positive within your self?

It comes fairly natural to me, on the whole I’m quite positive. I do tend to overthink things and I got in a state with my eczema but overall I like to look at the bigger picture and concentrate on the more important stuff. I don’t see the point in holding grudges or talking negatively about people, I think it’s better to look for the positives in anything you can, otherwise you’ll become quite miserable. I love laughing and don’t like taking things too seriously so positivity always wins for me haha.

Just like you’re writing, your fashion is something so unique to you. Is fashion something you want to introduce more ?

I’m in too minds about this, I love fashion and I started this blog intending it to be a fashion blog but I just got so carried away with beauty in the end! I would like to feature more of my fashion because I have quite an eclectic taste, I don’t even think you could label it, I love cool casual clothing but then I love floaty boho outfits too, I don’t stick to one style at all I just see something I like and wear it, the only thing that puts me off is the guilt if I feel like I’m adding to the fast fashion industry so maybe I could post more ethical brands or a capsule wardrobe perhaps?

I’m one of your recent posts, you opened up a lot more about crystals. As some one who has carried rose quarts around with me for years, I can’t help but wonder has introducing crystals helped you find your ‘zen’?

Oh really? Me too! Haha. It definitely has helped me, my nan used to use them all the time so I kinda grew up already knowing what they were and she gave me my own one on my first day of school when I was around 5 years old? But I grew up and just didn’t give it much thought but after she passed, I was so grateful to be able to keep her crystals and then that sparked up my fascination with them again. I think they are so beautiful to look at regardless to whether people think they work or not I just find it reassuring to have something physical to hold to help me feel better if that makes sense? I have rose quartz all around my bath even rose quartz candle holders and it helps me relax sooooo much, I love it.

One of the many bloggers you’ve quoted throughout your work is Beth Sandland, is traveling something you would be interested in sharing on your blog ? Is it something you keep to yourself(we all need something)?

Oh I love Beth! She has definitely inspired me to travel more, I love that she is very realistic and transparent. I feel like if I go travelling, even in the UK I will definitely share it on my blog I’m a bit of an anxious traveller in all honesty, so I would have to bring you all on the journey too – as moral support!

You’ve accomplished so much with your blog recently. Blogosphere, Collabs and finally figuring a way to combine our past few months. What’s next for Alicia A La Mode?

Aw, Thank you! I would be over the moon if I had my own podcast, I would love to tackle taboo subjects with other women and I would love to write my own book or create my own wellness journal so I could physically help or teach women to love themselves or just to feel amazing. I really think self love is a priority and I would have it based around that.

And that empowering little answer is the end of this incredible interview with Alicia, I hope you’ll agree that she is more than an average blogger. Her enthusiasm is not only not only infectious but needed in such a dramatic blogosphere. Whether its sharing inspirational quotes from other incredible women, or speaking openly about topic that effect us all. Alicia A La Mode, is one of the most exciting up and coming bloggers for me, personally.

With the recent growth in her blog , I cant wait to see what the future holds for this amazing creator (and her ADORABLE pug, Louie). I hope you agree that, Alicia is proof that if you are true to yourself a glass ceilings are made to be broken.

Whether, it’s her introduction of cristals, or the encouragement she weaves in every post, it’s a little wonder why Alicia is one of my favourite bloggers. I couldn’t be more grateful for this amazing blogger to take part in this series.

I hope you feel the same.

If you want to find out more about Alicia, feel free to search her socials (see below) or use the hyperlinks at the beginning of the post. Alternatively, leave a comment and show this megababe some love!


Em x

Disclaimer: All images have been sent from Alicia, I own no rights to the images shown throw out the post. If you would like to see any more images from Alicia, please search one of her handles.